
Question: what are a few things about Capricorns like
who are they a good match with
are they are water sign ?

Answers: what are a few things about Capricorns like
who are they a good match with
are they are water sign ?

I'm not very keen on broad sweeping generalizations of the signs, but I am a female Capricorn and have known many other Capricorns (my sister, a best friend, an aunt, etc) and this is what I have observed from my personal experiences & interactions with Capricorns...

We love humor, especially dry humor & absurd humor. We're bossy yet open-minded. I notice most of us female Caps wear clothes that are earth-toned, or have a casual sometimes even hippie or hipster style. We like to party and are prone to alcohol & drug abuse.

We're an earth sign.

I have found that I get along best with Virgos, both male and female but mostly male Virgos. Same with Cancer males. We get along with Scorpios pretty well but often butt heads with Aries. We appreciate Sagittarius' humor, find Pisces too wishy-washy and whiny, share our dominance with Leos, are impatient with Taurus, don't have the time for Gemini's antics, debate with Libras, have fun with Aquarius, and with other Capricorns it's hit or miss - we either love each other or hate each other.

Again, this is based solely on my life, but I'm sure other Caps can relate to some of this ;)

Capricorns are cautious, steady, loyal, good-humored, practical, and image-conscious. They are a good match with Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Leo and especially Cancer. They are an Earth sign.

Capricorn horoscope for this week
Capricorn, Born December 22 - January 19
Capricorn Mythology
The sign Capricorn is symbolized by the Goat.
Your sign's element is Earth. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn.
You are honest, thorough, practical, ambitious, business-like and careful. Capricorn can be cold and aloof. You are determined, dependable, responsible and may be interested in collecting antiques. Capricorn is very often politically minded. You have an excellent sense of timing. Capricorn is also patient, reserved, cautious, faithful and shrewd. You possess a great deal of drive, and your sense of duty is very strong. Capricorn can be very suspicious at times.
Possible negative aspects of the sign Capricorn:
You can be unfeeling, gloomy, pessimistic, miserly, unyielding, self centered, and revengeful.

Earth. Stability, reliability, calm, materialistic and good with daily matters of living.

Good match is someone who can inspire your abilities and be proud of them and who makes you smile. That simple.

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