Chinese Astrology Question...?!


Chinese Astrology Question...?

Next year is Year of the rat, I am Year of Horse..If anyone knows Chinese Astrology then you know that these two signs are Very polar (opposite). I was wondering where can I find Predictions for my sign (Horse) In Next years, "Year Of the Rat". Knowing these two signs I know I'm probably going to have a Bad year.. so anyone know?

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2 days ago
July 20, 1990 at 9:30 AM

Answers: 2 days ago
July 20, 1990 at 9:30 AM its more complicated that need to know the day and hour you are born too.

and in almost every case you can correct for it and still have a good year! :P

The year of the metal horse.
The month is water sheep
The day is fire dog.
The hour is water snake.

40% 37 0 0 16 7
2008 0 30 0 0 30
2009 3 9 0 0 48
20% Elsewhere

The next two years are less lucky.
However, you will be better in spring.
Better in the morning
Better at generating new ideas or new relationships, new ways of doing things.
Even wearing green may be better.

However, once the summer comes, things will stagnate. Once the noonday comes again the same, ideas will stagnate. Once you have been doing things for a while things will overheat and stagnate.
Avoid red.

The year of the horse isnt as good and neither is the year of the snake.

You have plenty of will need people who have a wood personality to feed your fire. At the same time you need to feed them or the relationship doesnt work. You have little wood and you need it. If you find someone that has earth energy, you will help them. Oftentimes, those that have wood energy are coupled with metal energy.

Anyway, you may wish to read on 5 element theory to manipulate the energy properly. Again, you need wood, you have a bit too much fire. The adverse energies are water and metal.

good luck. <3 ITS ALL ABOUT TAURUS <3 your data is not enough. if you want to know more. e-mail me:

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