Is Aries a poweful zodiac sign?!


Is Aries a poweful zodiac sign?

Iam an Arien..I've always been successful in drawing people's attention ..and people say Iam quite interesting as is Aries a powerful zodiac sign? ..Rank all the zodiac signs according to how powerful they are..

Answers: Oh yes. it's one of the most pwerful sign of the Zodiac.

Arians are higly-confident, determined and great leaders no not at all!!!! No one astrological sign is more powerful than the other. They all have different abilities and talents.

Gemini's are good at theatrics and stage performances.

Libras are very good at balancing everything.

Every one has different talents. yeah sure! i'm quite fond of this sign. I think they are:

Adventurous and energetic
Pioneering and courageous
Enthusiastic and confident
Dynamic and quick-witted

but also:
Selfish and quick-tempered
Impulsive and impatient

Leo, Aries,Sagittarius,Scorpio,Taur...
Aquarius,Capricorn, Virgo,Gemini,
Libra,Pisces, Cancer,

I'm a Pisces but with Leo ascedant, so i do quite well with Aries. One's zodiac sign isn't the basis whether that individual will succeed or not. It's how the person sees things in a positive perspective that makes him/her an optimistic person. This may result to positive outcomes in his/her life. Yes they are. They are fire sign and as long as they have enough air room to breathe they are a powerful sign. Most Aries appear to trust everyone yet really they inwardly don't trust anyone. They hide their lack of trust well. Only an air sign can tell but not right away! Aries sometimes helps an Air sign out but that's when an Aries needs some air. Sometimes Aries would tell an Air sign.. You need to be more grounded. Or Make Up your mind! Do What I tell you or Else! Mostly a Boss sign but they are a Ram and they don't bully around they ram right into the nitty gritty! Mostly Aries, and some Cancers, a few nice Saggitarius, and some negative pisces, and nasty scorpios linger in my life! Mostly it's Aries, Cancer, and Scorpios popping about watching me like a hack (the main watcher is probably Scorpio who have no ethics!) Scorpio is the most powerful (ruled by Pluto, they're very determined)

Aries are usually bitches and hotheads, ruled by mars, they need instant gratification which sucks for the rest of us. They're not very sensitive. Aries in the best! Proud to be an Arian!!! please visit my profile Q's/answers u will know what Aries means you are the most powerful no. scorpios are Aries are like Rams (being that is their sign), hard and hot headed, a child like attitude, spontaneous, energetic and confident like the child. Being ruled by Mars, Ariens are also overly energetic for some people to handle. My sister is an Aries (March 26) and she is so confident in what she does, I don't even get it sometimes.

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