In Numerology,what house number is meant to be the luckiest?.?!


In Numerology,what house number is meant to be the luckiest?.?

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1 day ago
P.s in numerology the numbers only go up to 9.
It works like this, if your number is 72, you add the 7+2= 9 THEN ITS NUMBER 9

Answers: 1 day ago
P.s in numerology the numbers only go up to 9.
It works like this, if your number is 72, you add the 7+2= 9 THEN ITS NUMBER 9 Meaning of the Numbers:
1 ) Beginnings. The act or process of bringing or being brought into being; a start.
2 ) Duality & Unity. Male and female energies merging. Unity of Spiritual energies with physical energies.
3 ) Creative. Having the ability or power to create
4 ) Balance. Creating strong foundations for the future.
5 ) Freedom. The condition of being free of restraints.
6 ) Healing. To restore (a person) to spiritual wholeness.
7 ) Spirituality. The state, quality, manner, or fact of being spiritual.
8 ) Karma. The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny.
9 ) Endings. A concluding part; a finale: a happy ending

Master Numbers
11 Master Teacher: Spiritual awareness and a drive to serve others altruistically.
22 Master Builder: Completeness, spirituality and a willingness to pass on knowledge onto others.
33 Master Marta: Healing love. Visionary and mystical whilst serving others.
44 Material and spiritual power.
55 Power of new thought forms.
66 Cosmic love.
77 Spiritual energy.
88 Power and material reform.
99 Universal compassion and love.

Love & Blessings
Milly In China number 8 is supposed to be very lucky but don't ask me why.
Ken 4, because its mine.
8 if you are Chinese because thats regarded as a very lucky number in China.
1600 if you're lucky enough to live at the White House.
1 if the numbers of house in your road go up to 186 cos you're right at the start.
No number means you're lucky enough to live in an affluent place where they have names not numbers. 7, 13, 21, 69, 6,9, 25 has always been lucky for me.

Definitely not 23 or any number that can make 23. Number 1 is the best to start with as life goes and if it is not good change it ot 2 and on on. it differs from person to parson. yea in numerolgy number do go up to 9 but when it comes to certain numbers of 2 digits they seem to vibrate to the numbers they're compoed of.
so when it come to multi-digit numbers wehave two definations 1 of the base number annd the other of the number itself
for eg : say 28 -- which is 28 and 1 -- there are 2 different and completely contrasting definations
but many do not give importance to these seconadry definations
one of the most luckiest number among these is 23 -- not for me or you but for all this number is the number of success and my sister born on 23 october proves so as a multi- million company called "airtel" which uses this number which also rules communication asthe no. adds upto 5 -- number of mercury

I think 1 iss always the luckiest in singles numbers followed by 9 Depends on whether you study Greek, Egyptian, or chinese numerology..... Asians say 8...........Westerners say 7 ( any number adding up to 4 is usually avoided, -- like 13 for example )Although 22 a 'key' number is an exception. I studied all three, & got different answers to the same question posed!... However, I've found the Greek system worked out by Pythagorus to be the most accurate in relation to birth dates. 3rd house is meant to be the luckiest. It is ruled by Jupiter (Sagittarius). Jupiter is the planet of luck and good times. I dont know about lucky but my fave numbers are 2 and 11 mainly because my birthday is on the 2nd of november That would depend upon what it is you are looking for in a home. And it isn't just the house number itself you add up. You would also add up the numeric value for the name of your street as well.
But rather than go thru them all, Hans Decoz has a site where you can go and have alot of fun with numerology. You can even analyze your phone number, and try to find lost objects, and alot of other fun stuff. And there's even free software, 'cause he's such a nice guy.
You"ll also enjoy, by Glynis. She's great! But really fantastic when it comes to analyzing relationships. She also explains the power of the number 8 as was mentioned above.

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