Anyone want to do my chart?!


Anyone want to do my chart?

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2 days ago
Ok, hold on, I will find it, keep checkin back...

2 days ago
Ok, found it. Time of birth 3:46 PM March 28 1976, Modesto, CA

2 days ago
oops sorry, you said City and Country...

Modesto, California, USA

2 days ago
Thats awesome, thumbs up! thanks!

Answers: 2 days ago
Ok, hold on, I will find it, keep checkin back...2 days ago
Ok, found it. Time of birth 3:46 PM March 28 1976, Modesto, CA2 days ago
oops sorry, you said City and Country...

Modesto, California, USA2 days ago
Thats awesome, thumbs up! thanks! There you go: Your date, time and place of birth indicate that you are a person who is very inquisitive, always looking for answers. Though to others you may appear self-assured, underneath, you can lack confidence, and often wonder about your own ability.

You are a very affectionate person but you hate to be tied down. The connection between love and sex is still a bit of a mystery to you, but others don't see this.

Study is sometimes easy, sometimes difficult. If something appears difficult to you, you may try to find excuses to put it off for a little while. You procrastinate often.

You like everything to be perfect, but can still be accepting if things are not quite as you would like. You like socialising with friends - indeed this is the thing you most like to do.

The upcoming year will see a problem concerning your finances. However, you can expect a new relationship and a possible advancement in your career, with an exciting new challenge ahead.
. Born 28 Mar 1976 at 15:46 local time in Modesto, USA - California
Long: 120W58 Lat: 37N38 Zone: 08:00 DST: No UT: 23:46

Sun 08° 26' Aries
Moon 19° 40' Pisces
Mercury 04° 35' Aries
Venus 17° 13' Pisces
Mars 04° 45' Cancer
Jupiter 00° 36' Taurus
Saturn 26° 02' Cancer
Uranus 06° 13' Scorpio
Neptune 13° 55' Sagittarius
Pluto 10° 24' Libra
Ascendant 07° 14' Virgo
Midheaven 04° 02' Gemini

== General personality ==
Born under the sign of Aries, you are generally uncomplicated in your attitude to life. You come straight to the point, and do not allow yourself to be held up by details or by boring or niggling problems. Your basic motivation is to push ahead, and you have to make a tremendous effort to learn to be patient. These qualities often enable you to have your own way, because you don't stop long enough to determine whether others mind what you are doing. Compromise is not one of your strongest point, and one of your main faults could be selfishness. Try to remember not to be indifferent to the feelings of others. You easily express your natural enthusiasm, and are motivated to achieve a great deal through your lively, positive way of dealing with everything.

The sign Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury. Virgo is an earth sign, suggesting a practical approach to life. Mercury expresses mental energies. Thus, this rising sign is known for its practical approach, objectivity, basic detail, and analysis. Virgo rising produces a personality often on the quiet side, somewhat unassuming, and never crude or coarse. With Virgo on the rise, you possess a mental acumen expressed in everyday practical affairs. Analytical and methodical in everything you do, you are very systematic in developing ideas and seeing projects through to completion. You are careful to notice details. So much so there is rarely a flaw in anything you do. Your mind is the epitome of neatness and order, absorbing facts and tidbits like a squirrel storing away nuts for the winter. You are a master at handling all the boring nit-picking matters others want to avoid. There is a tendency for you to become something of a workaholic, going over the same ground to be sure you haven't missed anything. You probably are a list-maker, wanting to have everything you need at hand. Everything should have a place and everything should be in its place for you to be comfortable. As you love detail, you also love precision and order. You're refined in your conduct and demeanor. Unassuming in your behavior, you can be so modest that you may not get the credit you deserve. There is a tendency to hide behind an inquiring mind and stay out of the lead. You prefer the role of researcher, observer, critic, or teacher. You can become very restless and nervous, having difficulty learning to relax. Your restlessness, combined with a critical nature, sometimes results in picayune fault findings. Despite the tendency to be a little fussy, Virgo rising is rarely mean or ugly. Even the tendency to criticize is just a bad habit formed early in life as a defense mechanism. There is a tendency to focus on what is in the immediate present, often neglecting to form a vision for the future. You feel comfortable living in a world of facts and you tend to arm yourself with intellectual awareness to combat natural feelings of insecurity.

You are very emotional, and highly sensitive to every passing problem, even if it isn't directly related to you. Your compassion can actually get out of hand if you're not careful, and give you difficulties in coming to terms with reality, harsh as can be sometimes. Try not to carry the world's problems on your shoulders. Your emotions can sometimes be so powerful as to hamper your intellect and your ability to reason. This makes for behaviour that seems inexplicable to many people, since what you say at one time might be very different the next, depending on your emotional state when you say it.

Although you want to act when the urge moves you, it isn't always easy for you to do so without some apprehension. You are more defensive than offensive, and usually recoil rather than take decisive action to defend yourself when attacked. You tend to burn physical energy unevenly, and can overdo things when under pressure. Tension and inability to relax can result.

The conjunction of the Sun and Mercury produces a sound mentality. You handle stress well. Yet you may think of yourself as a nervous person, and you may be. You have fixed opinions, although these may or may not be freely expressed depending on other factors in the chart. The thinking is much in harmony with the individuality expressed by the Sun. It's hard for you to view yourself objectively, or as others see you. Usually much mental energy is shown by this placement.

A negative aspect formed between the Sun and Pluto shows a tendency for willfulness to build up in your nature. As the pressures become greater, you are apt to explode. This may be a puzzlement to those around you because most of the time you are so self-restrained and in perfect control. Perhaps there is a frustrated ambition for power and authority. This is an aspect often associated with a "revolutionary spirit." There is an enigma in your personality, and you are defensive about forming close emotional ties. You have executive ability and the talent for managing ambitious enterprises. You must learn the art of compromise if you are striving to get far in life. This may not come easily for you unless it is shown elsewhere in the chart. With compromise and understanding of the egos of others, this is a power aspect.

The Moon and Venus in conjunction shows an ability to relate very easily to people. You find it easy to be friendly with just about everyone. Occasionally, you can be so friendly that you may arouse suspicions in some more jaded souls. You're never one to wait for the other person to make the first gesture when introduced, and you can put anyone at ease with your affable ways. You are extremely responsive to friendliness and abhor rudeness. There is little pretense about you. You act the way you do simply because you think it is and because of your early training.

A positive aspect formed between Mars and Uranus shows originality and enthusiasm in your actions. You are very energetic and freedom loving. You are an impatient person who always has several irons in the fire. Your impulsive and restless nature needs to concentrate more on moderation. In fact, you may demand freedom to exploit your potentials, and you actually feel sorry for those that are trapped in limiting circumstances. This is not a good aspect for someone with a boring 9-5 job. You do need to focus on learning moderation, and especially in romantic affairs, you need to be less restless and impulsive. The limiting ties of marriage and convention may not be your cup of tea.

== Mentality & communication ==
You are articulate and mentally aggressive, but you can also be impatient, unrealistic and sometimes insensitive to the feelings of others. It might be difficult for you to admit error and say that you are sorry when you should. You have an uncomplicated and forthright way of approaching things, but you probably need to cultivate better judgement in examining the facts before you do anything, because you can easily become over-enthusiastic about new ideas and projects. You may also lack the mental staying power to see them through successfully, and will most probably be impatient with other slower-thinking people.

Sometimes you tend to be mentally overactive and restless. You have a sharp tongue, and can easily become argumentative, often to the point of taking an opposing view for the sake of argument. You might also take personal affront to those who disagree with you. You need to learn the virtues of patience and verbal restraint, and to bear in mind that your judgment is not always infallible; guard against jumping to conclusions before considering all the facts.

== Love, marriage & social relations ==
You are warm, sensitive and very compassionate, and have very much to offer in a personal relationship. Being a dreamer and a sentimentalist, you might be disappointed when your encounters fail to live up to your unrealistic dreams and expectations. Try to see the good things in common everyday life. You might tend to worry unduly over your lover if you have one, and it is likely that you suffer from feelings of inadequacy. You should realize that you have much to offer in a relationship, and not let people take advantage of your kindly nature. Don't commit yourself to someone just because you feel sorry for them.

== Career & ambition ==
The Gemini influence in this house denotes a tendency to gravitate to professions requiring the use of words, or in occupations making use of your skills in dealing with mental and dexterous details. Any career activity must have variety and be fast moving. You can communicate your ideas well, and you enjoy doing so. Your duties must provide never ending variety and challenge to command your continued interest. You are so hyperactive professionally that you may even take on two careers simultaneously, and succeed at both.

== Other traits ==
Your outlook on life is steady and cautious. You love comfort, and truly appreciate good food and wine. Just be careful so you don't develop a weight problem as a result! You have a good business sense, and expansion and growth of capital will be of great interest to you. You will not readily admit it when temporarily embarrassed by lack of funds. Perhaps you are a bit careless in presuming 'there is always more where it came from'.

Tradition, the past and your family background are important, and influence you far more than you may realize. What you have learned in early life will undoubtedly be less modified than in most others' cases. There may have been above-average inhibition or shyness when you were young, and you probably have powerful self-defensive mechanisms that are brought into play when you feel challenged. Although you are brave, your self-preserving instincts are strong, so your risk-taking will be minimal.

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