Does it seem earth and water signs are more serious and withdrawn....?!


Does it seem earth and water signs are more serious and withdrawn....?

Than the fire and air signs? It seems the air and fire signs(masculine) are always the more fun, child-like ones and have bigger egos, where the earth and water signs(feminine) are less fun, more mature, and have less ego?

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2 days ago
I've noticed this time and time again

2 days ago
Right, air and fire signs are more open minded usually, then earth and water.

Answers: 2 days ago
I've noticed this time and time again2 days ago
Right, air and fire signs are more open minded usually, then earth and water. The Water signs are more secretive and content in spending their free-time alone it seems, and Earth is somewhat like it but they seem to like doing more constructive things in general. Even though they are some times happy to just sit around all sedimentary-like for hours just accumulating dust. Or playing some nerdy MMORPG. lol.

The Air signs think and are always falling into something new new new new people new ideas and new fun. Fire is more creative and social willing to work with the rest of the team to contribute something big.

Earth sign are likely to just explain things for the way they are and not for how others wish them to be. They do sometimes have a way of sustaining groundedness in one way or another, naturally the people under Earth will make great teachers. As well as Cancer. Their intellect and ability to relate to others is basically second to none. Yes, it does. yea definitely. i found this in some people i know. Actually, I've noticed it too around my air and fire counterparts. yup. I'm a water sign ( cacncer ) and even tho i'm starting to become more fun and crazy, all the other water signs i kno are withdrawn. =P water sign
don't make me cry,, boohooboohooo,,,
oh now I am angry,,, grrrrrrrr
I am confused,, now is hope you dint call me stupid like the last time but yes like Taurus are. I agree with everything except I notice that the water and earth are actually the ones with the bigger egos... they tend to want things their way, they are always right. They don't rub me as being as open minded and flexible as the fire and air signs. Earth signs serious, water withdrawn. The earth sign people I know are actually fairly self-assertive, if not neccessarily out going in a fun, sociable kind of a way.

I agree with Jan, earth signs have huge egos! I agree with you but not the ego part.
I think earth signs have the biggest ego among all.

For The fire, it’s all about fiery passion. These are the people who crave excitement. They push both life and love to the limit. They are confident, outgoing and warm-hearted and will do anything for their close ones. They are generous in spirit. They are direct and not frightened to tell what's on their minds. Just look at fiery posh Victoria beckham. She is reported as having told her husband David Beckham when they first met that he had a nice a.s.s . Now you wouldn't get an earth sign saying that so soon!
For The Air Signs, It's all about romance and communication. They love to talk, about everything, anything and nothing. They are flirty and fun to be with.
In conclusion, With Fire and Air signs, you can be absolutely sure that your life is never be boring!

For the Water signs, it’s all about mystery. They are powerful and deep. They respond on both a feeling and a compassionate level and are imaginative and sensitive.
For the Earth signs, it’s all about sensuality. They are the most practical of all the signs. They see life in straightforward and somewhat material terms. They have big ego and they believe in nothing but themselves and what they see. They like routines and become upset if anyone tries to change it.

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