Weird Dream About the Moon-?!


Weird Dream About the Moon-?

So I believe that dreams tap into something- However I don't really spend time pondering about dreams-Except this one-
I was with someone I am not close to who was driving me- Asked if I have seen Pasadena- I said not much of it, so he's said let me show you. We start driving and it looks like we are in an animation movie- the stars are so low its beautiful- but it felt real all these emotions of not realizing whats in front of me as we drive I can see the hollywood sign lit up all glamours like it is in the 1920's

we continue driving I realizing we are on a hill and I look up and the moon is very low and we are driving towards it-

as we are driving its getting brighter and brither this powerful light which i want to close my eyes but can't since its beautiful we are now coming up to the moon this light flooding all around us - we can't see the road- just driving in the moon and it was amazing the warmth of the bright light- and scary. What does this dream mean? Is it a sign?

Additional Details

3 months ago
sorry for the mistakes!


Dream symbol: moon


Symbolic of your feminine, passive, receptive, intuitive, yin side
A new moon may indicate the beginning of a new cycle
A full moon suggests being at the peak of a cycle
A blue moon may represent a rare opportunity, or something that seldom occurs
A joyful experience, being over the moon
Idleness or listlessness

Dream symbol: drive


The manner in which a vehicle is being driven may serve as a reflection of how you’re managing your life
Propelling, pushing forward, being focused, being driven
Despairing, a situation goading you into something unwanted, driving you to drink or driving you nuts
Gaining impetus or momentum, creating a drive towards something
Banishing or ostracizing, driving somebody away
Causing something to penetrate maximally, driving it home
A journey of your own choice and creation
Feeling stressed or pressurized
Aiming at something, making your intent clear, driving at it

I hope the information above has gave you some insight to your dream : )

Love & Blessings

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