How is a taurus person like???!


How is a taurus person like???



If anyone were to describe the typical Taurus temperament, impulse is certainly not one of the words they would choose to use. Your personality is very much the opposite—careful, prudent and deliberate in virtually all matters, especially the important decisions you assess as being vital to your security and the welfare of those you love.

Once your mind is made up you have amazing tenacity and endurance, coupled with the energy to complete any task and this is perfectly symbolised by the raging bull, which stands still for just a few moments before rushing forth, kicking back dirt in preparation. Yes, you do dig your heels in when your mind is made up, don’t you? This can be a blessing and also a curse for you. Because of your grounded and earthy personality, you are able to commit to your path of action and even when provoked, tempted or ridiculed will endure that. But what if the other person is right? Sometimes you proudly and obstinately adhere to an opinion or course of action in spite of others’ good advice.

You must learn to recognise that constructive criticism from those who love you and have your best interests at heart is beneficial to you, to say the least. It isn’t an insult and should not be regarded as such. If you investigate a little more deeply you’ll see that the reason you hold on to your position or opinion is because you fear change, particularly when it is imposed upon you and leaves little or no room for you to assert any control over your destiny. This tendency in its worst form can and often does lead to complacency and apathy in certain Taureans. Change is the only constant principle in life and it is to this fact that Taurus must adjust, if only to make life and relationships less stressful and more fulfilling overall.

Your patience and perseverance are your most recognisable characteristics. When you agree to help someone or make up your mind to embark upon a project you’ll wait long for what you perceive as the appropriate moment to act and then advantageously persist until that job is complete (this is a lot like the bull preparing for its charge, is it not?). Because Taurus is an earth sign you are natural and unpretentious—even when you choose to pamper yourself or dress up fashionably and look your best, you do it charmingly and with grace. Actually, simplicity appeals to you and you abhor pomp and circumstance for its own sake. This is unusual as you’re ruled by Venus, the most attractive and elegant planet in the zodiac. In fact, you’re not afraid to get your hands dirty and quite enjoy gardening, practical hobbies, as well as socialising and having a night out on the town.

Taurus is a sensate sign and this means you prefer to rely on your feelings rather than your mind in your experience of life. You therefore trust your own intuition about others and are usually correct when that “gut feeling” of yours kicks in. Don’t completely dismiss your rational nature, though, as you do have impeccable reasoning skills and balancing both will make you all that more powerful and successful in life.

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