The "worst" zodiac sign you have encountered?!


The "worst" zodiac sign you have encountered?

Just for fun, we all know each sign is said to have some bad characteristics as well as good.

Is there any sign you reoccuringly have bad luck with (despite whether astrology says you will or not). No offense, but I'm a Virgo and I have no luck with Aries men. I can be friends with them, but I guess our personalties in general don't click. Just curious to hear experiences.


Aries are very stubborn and down to Earth, they are very possessive, and do not mess with their possession, but also they are giving and passionate , when they love somebody they are all in it..they know how to be quiet too ,and they are searching all the time, they dont like to be alone...the worst sign that i meet is Scorpio, full of them self but in an arogant way, very sneaky, not good friends, but very sensitive on the other side of themselves

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