One's totem?!


One's totem?

Where would one find what one's totem is?


Earth Medicine is a system of astrology or personality profiling which is based on Native American beliefs about the cosmos and the principles embodied in sacred Medicine Wheels.
Native Americans have always believed that everything in nature is sacred, and that although the spirit is invisible to the eye, it is pervasive in nature. The animal species of the natural world are messengers of spirit who inform our daily lives and appear in our dreams, imparting knowledge and powers which are known as "medicine". Those to whom animals appear in their dreams pay tribute to the animals by carving their images on ceremonial and decorative objects and painting the images on items used every day.

Native American Shamans realized that there is profound relationship between the natural forces which predominate during the seasons and the personalities of those born at certain times of the year. They were also aware that one's personality is also affected by the phases of the moon at the time of one's birth and all through one's life. There is a continual oscillation or ebb and flow of energy between the active and the passive all through life. These beliefs are embodied in Earth Medicine which guides one in learning to understand how Nature affects him or her, what strengths and weaknesses one is born with, and how to develop one's strengths and evolve in harmony with the greater whole.

TOTEMISM is the systematic symbolization of social entities (individuals, social units) through concrete phenomenal images, often natural species, and the development of these symbols into relationships of identity, power, and common origin. ...
A totem is any natural or supernatural object, being or animal which has personal symbolic meaning to an individual and to whose phenomena and energy one feels closely associated with during one's life

WordNet Dictionary

totem (n.):
1: a clan identified by their kinship to a common totemic object

2: emblem consisting of an object such as an animal or plant; serves as the symbol of a family or clan (especially among American Indians)

Moby Thesaurus

100 matches for "totem":
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