How do you attract a sagittarius guy?!


How do you attract a sagittarius guy?

they said that sagittarius is the most freedom-loving sign in the zodiac and that they love their bachelor lives more than anything.

however, i know some sagittarius guys who are in a relationship -- i wonder what kind of a girl is a sagittarius looking for? and what does it take for them to take the bait?


i will try to help you out ..

so :-

Don't let him know you really want him.

Play hard to get.

Keep the chase alive, because as soon as he realizes that he has you, he'll get bored and start looking over your shoulder at what might be behind door number two.

Stay happy. Don't let him know you are sad, depressed, or have anything other than fun in mind. Sag's are attracted to fun, happy people. Anything other than that will cause them to rethink their decision.

As long as you follow those rules, he'll never leave and love you forever.

Here are a few pointers to keep in mind when trying to attract a man.

The man has to know that you exist. Say you have been working in the same office as the guy for a while and he hasn't noticed you the chances are he has no interest in you.

Confidence is the number one attraction. Being more confident with yourself and your surroundings will attract someone that is equal to you. You will also notice that more people are drawn to you.

Appearance is also a big issue. If he sees you when you are at your worst then he will not want to look a second time.

Give him a reason to think about you. Wear a lingering fragrance that sticks to his senses, soft clothes that he yearns to touch, and a smile that he can't get out of his mind.

Flirt with him.

Make him feel important. Listen to what he says, laugh at his jokes no matter how lame they are, and take an interest in his interests.

Don't try and be something you are not. He will be falling for a false idol and will not want to know you when he sees the real you.

Be vulnerable. Let down the armor. Let men do things for you then thank them for their help.

So hope that would help you ..
Have a great day ..
Good luck ..

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