How compatible is a Virgo woman (9-21-1986) with a Libra man (9-24-1976)?!


How compatible is a Virgo woman (9-21-1986) with a Libra man (9-24-1976)?

We get along great, but I see that he is 10 years older than me. Will that be a problem? And does the closeness of our birthdays suggest that we are very similar? Overall, are we worth each other's time?


1976 Libra man;
He has Venus and Mars in Libra; Saturn in Leo, his Moon is in Virgo(according to the Ephemeris). His True Node is in Scorpio.

1986 Virgo woman;
You have Venus in Scorpio
Mars in Capricorn; Saturn in Sagittarius, your Moon could be in either Aries or Taurus. Your True Node is in Aries.

In this relationship your Ascendants are coming into play-among other aspects that cannot be known without birthtime based charts. The only attraction factors I can see are his Moon in Virgo conjunct your Sun, which is an indicator of ego-based conflicts, but also that he is attracted to you; you understand him emotionally, and he also feels understood by you.

It's always best when the woman's Moon sign is in the same sign/and or element as the man's. Your Moon-if it's in Taurus or Aries, is still not a good indicator-neither of those are air signs, and neither is your True node.

Your Venus in Scorpio matches his true node in Scorpio, but does not match his Mars or Moon sign (another indicator usually found in long-term relationships.)

Your True Node in Aries, is opposite his Sun in Libra; Challenging aspect.

Description of Venus conjunct True Node; to the North Node person(your boyfriend), your relationship is likely to feel fated, on some level, to be involved with the Venus person. That is not to say that you won't have to work at this relationship; you will. But the work you put in will pay off. Both of you are likely to feel connected in some essential way that is favorable for both love and friendship. There is also a tendency to operate harmoniously and symbiotically in social situations.

Putting together your Venus in Scorpio with his Venus in Libra:
Bustier-ripping passion meets hearts-and-flowers romance in this affair. The enchanting chemistry between you can inspire great creativity. If one of you has been hurt before, this partnership can grant you a new lease on life. Emotional honesty really matters in this relationship-besides it's impossible to keep your true feelings hidden from an intuitive mate. Once these two partners make a commitment, it is as good as etched in stone. Together you can enjoy many nights of hedonistic pleasure.

Your Mars in Capricorn with His Mars in Libra:
This is a very classy planetary pairing-a relationship of intellectual and romantic equals. You may give the appearance of being very cool, but when the two of you are alone together, that reserve is sure to be replaced by passionate abandon. At times when you disagree, look out! Tempers flare and nasty words are likely to get tossed around freely. You're both good at holding grudges, and forgiveness doesn't come easily to either of you. You have the same sort of long-range goals, as well as the ability to look at the world in much the same way.

Note that some oppositions are good and necessary in a relationship to prevent stagnation, and promote growth.

This is hard to decipher-birth times are needed, these are just a few aspects, but there would be a lot more determining factors which would include the Ascendants(rising signs) of each person.

Just with this information I would say no, you are not worth each other's time. He will 'stunt' your growth so to speak-in the long run-as his Sun is opposite your True node, and will not help you develop the qualities of Aries, since his own qualities and characteristics are opposite. He won't be there for you when you need him, he will be unable to help you.

But, again, these are only a few aspects. Other stronger aspects might overcome these few that don't seem so positive.

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