My Sun sign is Virgo, with my Moon and Rising sign being Taurus. Which sign(s) a!


My Sun sign is Virgo, with my Moon and Rising sign being Taurus. Which sign(s) are compatible for me?


hmmm...If your a woman, which I'm guessing by the name Saphire you are...choose a Taurus man, and one who also has a Pisces, or Libra Rising sign, would most likely be amazing...of course that depends on the other placements in his chart...but that would be a good match right there.

Avoid men who have their moon in Virgo, moon in Taurus. You might like someone who has their Moon in Libra...but be wary of feeling misunderstood, for this is opposite your own moon sign.

For you, I think someone who has their Moon in water, air (except for most Libra's) unless your Venus or Mars indicates otherwise, and fire(only sagittarius really), you will tend to get along better with.

Would go well with:
Libra's, Gemini's, and Aquarians--with earth Rising or Moon signs
Taurus, Capricorn's--with water Rising or Moon signs
Virgo's (I'd avoid your same sign, but it can work if they have a Taurus rising, and the rest of the chart is heavy in air and water signs)
Sagittarians, Leo's & Aries with charts heavy in earth and water signs.
Cancer's and Scorpio's--with earth or air Rising signs--you might tend to argue alot with Scorpio's---tug-o-war.

Many different sun signs might be attracted to you-but you're a picky Virgo, in the end it is really up to you. Libra's at least are neat and tidy-and love the good stuff, material things like Taurus (your Moon, Descendant & Rising)...Pisces-you can basically push around lol....but, unless you find a 'special' one, they won't provide you with all the things your Taurus Moon loves...not because they wouldn't want to--they would--it's just that they can't prioritize and plan...that is why I say someone with a Pisces rising sign...

Only certain combo's are gonna you just have to find 'the right one' ---happy hunting!

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