Im a Libra girl, Sept 30 1985 and my husband is an capricorn/aquarius cusp janua!


Im a Libra girl, Sept 30 1985 and my husband is an capricorn/aquarius cusp january 20 1982.Are we compatible?

We got married within 4 months, 2 weeks of which we just randomly started talking on the phone and the rest living in 2 diferent states, the relationship has been fast and amazing.Niether one of us ever liked truely settling down, but here we are married.He's in the army and I am watching the homefront doing my thing... both still independent but crave one another.We get along great, we have our similarities and our healthy diferences are resovled by talking and listening to one another, uncanny long lost loves. im curious to what our signs say about us,-i guess im still in wonderment of how such a strong bond could be forged within such a short it in the stars ?


His Mars and Saturn are both in Libra--he is sexually attracted to you for starters, then having his Saturn in Libra means that he is also learning from you-he needs to develop those Libran traits that you have. His Venus is in Aquarius-while your Venus and Mars are both in Virgo-an earth sign, which would match his Sun sign, if in fact he is a Capricorn (there is no way of knowing which one he is, or if he is on the cusp without his birth time and location).

His moon is in Scorpio-which matches your Saturn in Scorpio. Your own moon being in Aries...well of course you would jump right into marriage lol...This placement too, would keep your relationship from becoming stagnant.
His Pluto in Libra is Conjunct your Sun also.

*Your Husbands Saturn in Libra matching Your Sun
Libra is of course, the heart and soul of romance, and seeking love is the number one Libra pastime. It's interesting for you to hear the war stories of your sweetheart, because you would assume that a person so gentle and attractive would have had an easy time with love. But no, balance is an issue you both have, which means that much of the time you're seeking equilibrium rather than enjoying it.

Romance is important, but there's more to love than that, and you and your mate learn this together. This relationship seemed serious from the start--somehow you both felt that you were completing some destiny in connecting with each other.

You shared love affairs in other lifetimes, but somehow never managed to elevate your passions to true love. Now you're working to offer each other affection combined with devotion that is geniune and unshakable.

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