What is the moon sign for sagitarius like if born on dec 11,1987 born in cali, s!


What is the moon sign for sagitarius like if born on dec 11,1987 born in cali, santa ana.at 4 am?

what is the moon sign for this? and what is a sagitarius like in general and in love?


This site below is good cause it gives u break down of everything in ur chart w/descriptions under ur chart. U have leo moon.

My brother and mother r both sag, coulnt have asked for more loving, silly, fun family members.

If ur anything like my best friend or my brother, In love u def tend to fall in love n out of love easily, modern day casanova. Very flirty fun personality, even when u get older.

Ahh..ummm.. That will b 10pts please. :D

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