Is Pisces Good With Libra?!


Is Pisces Good With Libra?

pisces guy, libra girl in a love relationship.

does it work, generally?


Well... it depends on a lot actually, a full horoscope personality of a person will have a lot more information based on their character, speaking from personal experience, I am a Libra and my husband is a Pisces. We have a lot in common artistically and by our openness to ideas and thoughts and learning. Emotionally is not so good for us, we have had many many arguments and it is often surprising we have made it this far. It depends on a lot and not just the horoscope, but what you might like to do as well, is find out what both of your moon signs are as well, your moon sign can add a lot to your personality too from what I have learned, and it's even possible I believe that two signs that wouldn't normally be compatible could be if their moon signs balanced the difficulties between them out. Also check out your Chinese zodiac year, the more info you can get the more you can learn about yourselves (with true astrology and not newspaper crap lol). And also you have to use your own judgment too, not just based on this, but on everything you have been through together as well in a relationship. Hope this helps, if nothing else, my husband and I are still together and that has to say something! lol!

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