What sign is most compatible with a libra woman born 10/19/82?!


What sign is most compatible with a libra woman born 10/19/82?


Normally the birth time and place are also required to answer your question fully. However, you have a very powerful chart, so I am still able to give you a fairly detailed answer, simply from the basis of your birth date.

When considering the type of man a woman is attracted to (and ultimately likely to marry), you first look at the sign, house placement and aspects received by her Sun, since the Sun rules the men in her life.

The simple fact that you have the Sun in Libra means that you would be attracted to Libra type qualities in a man, such as intellect and artistic talent. The opposite sign of Aries, however, may hold the greater attraction. The strong masculinity, energy, passion and fiery nature of Aries men would be highly appealing to you.

You were also born with the Sun conjunct two powerful planets - Saturn and Pluto.

The Saturn influence would attract you to highly ambitious Capricorn type men. You are likely to value hard working, dedicated men who achieve recognition in their chosen field and who are socially and financially successful.

The Pluto influence would also make Scorpio men highly compatible with you. You would be attracted by their emotional depth, mystery and intensity.

If you know your exact birth time, I highly recommend you have your chart done and then also consider the influence of any planets you have in the 5th house. This house is ruled by the Sun and so it also relates to the type of man a woman is attracted to. If you do find a planet in your 5th house, then you will also be compatible with the sign which this planet rules.

One other extremely important consideration in compatibility is the Ascendant sign (once again, you need an exact birth time and to have your chart done to know what your Ascendant is). People tend to be highly compatible with (and very often marry) individuals whose Sun sign is the same as their Ascendant sign.

Best wishes :)

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