What am I? I was born September, Friday the 13th, 1991?!


What am I? I was born September, Friday the 13th, 1991?

What is my zodiac symbol and my traits?


You are a Virgo, meaning you are highly intelligent, analytical and rational. You love complexity and trying to figure out how things work. You love to read, gather knowledge and then share that knowledge with others. A great way to get your attention would be to ask you a question about a favorite subject. You would be happy to explain at length. One of those favorite topics would be health. You love discussing and debating on a variety of topics.

You love routines, making to-do lists and having a plan. Being organised in this way gives you a comforting sense of control over your life. You dislike unpredictability.

You keep a great deal to yourself and you don't trust easily. You are very cautious and fastidious in all aspects of your life.

You are turned off by stupidity, ignorance and lack of hygiene. You absolutely loath making mistakes, whether it's in an essay or in your life. If you make a mistake, you are extremely hard on yourself. You are critical of others, but that's nothing compared to how critical you can be of yourself. You have very high standards of yourself and others.

I really like your name, by the way (a reflection of the day of your birth? Knights Templar, perhaps?) Judging from that, you must also have some strong Scorpio elements in your chart (Scorpio rules "death"). I took a quick look at your chart. It seems highly likey that you have the Moon in Scorpio (without an exact birth time, I can't be completely sure). If this is correct, however, it suggests that the sign of Scorpio runs in your family.

Best wishes :)

By the way, your zodiac symbol is the "Virgin". It symbolises purity in the terms of physical, moral and spiritual perfection.

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