People born on 16th are unlucky?people born on 8th should not get married to the!


People born on 16th are unlucky?people born on 8th should not get married to the people born on 8th?pls helpme


There a book called Cheiro about the number 4's and the 8's. If the birthday adds up to an 8 or 4, then you will huve Karma and attract people born on 4th and 8th or numbers on their birthday that add to a 4 or 8. Extample if person is born on the 22nd, then 2 plus 2 equals a 4 and they will have connections with eople born on 4 and 8. If . marry this person, there could be Karma to live with. orer that book by Chiro on the numbers 4 and 8 and it's a small book that explains this spiritual connection beween why 4's and 8's attract each other and often fall in love. THe author's name is CHeiro or chiro,something like that and isst explanation of this 4 and 8 thing with numbers and why these people have xtra karma to live through and why the numbers 4 or 8 continueally show upi in their life in some way or form. Example, their home address my add up to a 4 or 8 or even phone number may add up to a 4 or 8.

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