Zodiac Sign "Awards"?!


Zodiac Sign "Awards"?

Ok, of all the people (and their birthdays) you know, use your personal experiences and knowledge to answer these, not what traditional astrology would dictate. For example, if the Neatest (as in tidy) person you know is a Leo, put "Leo". So knock yourselves out! (And don't put my sign for "most immature" or "worst hygiene", for any wannabe-witty answerers).


Best Social Skills:
Worst Social Skills:

Most Callous:
Most Sensitive:

Most Ethical:
Least Ethical:

Most Extroverted:
Most Shy:

Worst Hygiene/Grossest:

Most Aggressive:
Most Passive:

Most Mature (behavior):
Most Immature:


Messiest: Scorpio
Neatest: Cancer

Best Social Skills: Sag
Worst Social Skills: Virgo

Most Callous: Scorpio
Most Sensitive: Cancer

Most Ethical: Taurus
Least Ethical: Virgo

Most Extroverted: Aries
Most Shy: Libra

Worst Hygiene/Grossest: Capricorn

Most Aggressive: Aries
Most Passive: Taurus

Most Mature (behavior): Leo
Most Immature: Scorpio

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