Which is a better match?!


Which is a better match?

A libra with another libra or a pisces?


Both have possibilities! Read on:

Libra + Libra
Air + Air = Wind

Libra is a cardinal, movable sign motivated by the air element, which means that decision-making can be quite a challenge for both of you. Your emotional and mental compatibility is certainly strong, but you’ll have to work at the practical aspects of life. This is an area where two Librans in partnership raises some rather important questions.

You’ll both have to learn to be more decisive and to stick to your opinions, or at least to agree on a course of action even when you have differing views. Take on only the practical tasks you know you can do. Why not simply draw straws to see who does what around the house? Once you sort out this stuff, you’ll probably cut the tension right down.

It’s not a well-known fact, but Libra has a revolutionary spirit, and is often demanding. The notion that you are always calm and placid couldn’t be further from the truth. You want peace and harmony, but wanting and having it are two different things.

Sometimes Librans lose themselves in the hectic flow of life and social events, and forget to take care of emotional issues: try not to let conflicts or grudges fester — they could undermine what is otherwise a perfectly fine relationship. If you’re planning a lasting relationship, this issue must be addressed.

Irrespective of any difficulties, you’re both upbeat and easy-going, and you both love harmony and beauty, and this will be the power behind your relationship. The really sweet moments between you are caused by Venus, your common ruler — she will always help break any deadlock.

You will give each other warmth, comfort and physical intimacy. Libra knows how to love and nurture, and you’ll both sense that your star twin knows just what you need and when you need it.

Go slowly when you meet, though: Librans are prone to fall in love with a dream rather than a person. Try to do a little thinking and checking before you are swept up in a raging tide of passion.

By and large, compatibility between people of the same star sign is either superb or doomed to utter failure. For Libra it depends on how capable you are of finding balance, especially in the decision-making area.

If you’re looking for affection, Librans born between 23 September and 3 October will fit the bill. Venus promises love and fondness with these people. There’s no doubt your intimate moments will be treasured by both of you.

If you want something offbeat, unexpected and surprising, try Librans born between 4 October and 13 October — they will absolutely knock you off your feet. Mind you, a calm existence won’t necessarily be the result of a partnership with these very exciting people.

You will have an immediate intellectual connection with Librans born between 14 October and 23 October. These people are very much in tune with you, and you can spend hours and hours sharing your thoughts and coming up with new ideas. Humour and wit are also part of this mix.


Libra + Pisces
Air + Water = Rain

The combination of Libra and Pisces is destined to go one of two ways: you’ll either love each other or be totally confused by each other. Pisces is receptive and intuitive, and likes to live in the inner world — not the outside world that attracts you. So you’ll feel, after the initial attraction wears off, that Pisces is rather out of touch, and unable to meet your social and intellectual needs.

Pisces has the intellectual capacity to grasp what you’re saying; they just prefer to assimilate ideas on an intuitive or gut level. They are non-verbal communicators; and they prefer listening to talking. Unless you’re prepared to accept this, it is going to frustrate you no end. It’s almost as if Pisces is saying, ‘Ssssssh Libra, be quiet — talk to me with your mind rather than your mouth.’

And when Pisceans do talk, they communicate in riddles. This will bother you too, because it will force you to play jigsaws with what they’re saying.

Pisceans are deeply spiritual, and though fish swim in schools, there are times when this mystic water sign needs to be completely and utterly alone. This is not going to sit well with you, as you need constant social activity and company. Both of you will need to make adjustments if your friendship is going to go anywhere.

Your ruling planet, Venus, is exalted in the sign of Pisces, and finds its finest expression in this water sign. So the right sort of Pisces can bring an evolved Libran to self-realisation — sexually and emotionally. The operative word here is ‘evolved’. If that’s you, then perhaps you can take this relationship to a whole new level. It could be very karmic for you; it can be one of the most special combinations in the zodiac. This is likely to be the exception rather than the rule, though.

If you team up with Pisces born between 19 February and 28/29 February you’re in for an unusual ride — these people are not run-of-the-mill people. This lot of individuals may ultimately land in your too-hard basket, because you won’t quite be able to fit them into your way of thinking.

You and a Piscean born between 1 March and 10 March could put your heads together on career plans. You both have business acumen, and these Pisces will work with you in a way that helps you achieve your goals and meet your deadlines. This is probably more likely to be a financial/career relationship.

There’s a wonderful blend of energies when you combine Libra with Pisces born between 11 March and 20 March. These people touch your soul and bring you into contact with a loving part of your nature that you never knew existed.

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