How does Capricorn and Aquarius work?!


How does Capricorn and Aquarius work?

I'm Capricorn - Aquarius. (born Jan 19)
And he's almost a real Aquarius (born Jan 28)

If it doesn't I really don't care. I know we match enough!


Capricorn Woman & Aquarius Man
This match is good for friendship, but it’s not so good for love. The Aquarius boy is unconventional. He likes to be on the cutting edge of things, and that’s where he likes to find his fun. Plain old regular life just isn’t interesting enough for him. This, plus the fact that he is completely unpredictable from one day to the next, will make you feel very anxious around him. You’ll always feel like you don’t really know the real him. He also usually prefers to keep everything cool and casual, and avoid commitment. You need someone who can commit to you and stay by your side. Aquarius is always off somewhere doing new things. He’d also prefer to spend time solving the mysteries of the universe than cuddling with you. This match actually makes a good friendship, but love won’t last with these differences. Give this match a pass.

As corny as it sounds, the combination of Capricorn girl and Aquarius boy can change the world. Capricorn girl is expert at getting a job done, and Aquarius boy is a virtual repository of ahead-of-his-time thoughts and ideas ready for implementation. Besides having fun together, you'll inspire each other to new heights. Perfection!

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