Do you know anyone born on the 29th of Feb?!


Do you know anyone born on the 29th of Feb?

Is there an established tradition of having their birthday on the 28th or 1st of March on the 3 intermediate years? or do they have to wait 4 years to have a birthday?

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4 weeks ago
so far its seem 1st of March more common that 28th.
In a sense the 29th of march lasts for approximately zero seconds after midnight on the 28th of march for 3 years out of 4.


Hi i emmans... just wanted to say that, I do know someone that was born the 29 of feb.. almost all the ones i know celebrate the 28th of feb when the 29 doesn't come and then on the 29th they will celebrate with gusto... joy and fun cause if they are twenty five they will put all those candles knowing that the other years are really not there's its the fourth year that is counted... lol and the oooz the otheres lol and enjoy the the fourth... lol listen i was born on the 28 a twin and we enjoy all the tears cause our brothers make fun cause they say that we need a fire engine to turn off our candles lol its fun lol .... yoli

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