How well does a Sagittarius female and a female Aries do together as a couple?!


How well does a Sagittarius female and a female Aries do together as a couple?

I know I already posted this once but someone mentioned that birthday info may be helpful.
Me - Dec 14, 1980 at 11:52pm
Her - Born on April 8, 1973 don't know what time though...


Love Compatibility

Your data

12/14/1980 12:00 Julian day 2444588.00
Adjust 0.00 ST 17.33 Lat 0.00 Long 0.00

04/08/1973 17:01 Julian day 2441781.21
Adjust 0.00 ST 6.08 Lat 0.00 Long 0.00

Your Compatibility Chart
SunTrineSun 3.57 243
SunSquareMercury 1.32-298
SunSextileUranus 1.33 65
MoonSquareSaturn 0.56-150
MercuryOppositionSaturn 2.54 -61
MarsSquareSun 1.31-199
MarsSquareVenus 1.15-141
JupiterTrineMars 1.16 73
JupiterTrineJupiter 0.16 77
JupiterSextileNeptune 0.39 54
SaturnTrineMars 0.25 76
SaturnTrineJupiter 0.35 68
SaturnSextileNeptune 1.30 38
NeptuneTrineSun 3.42 52
NeptuneSquareMercury 1.16-105
NeptuneTrineVenus 3.58 37
NeptuneSextileUranus 1.18 38
PlutoConjunctionUranus 2.42 65
886 -954 -68

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Your personal compatibility analysis

Inter-planetary aspects

These concern the possible relationships between two charts: especially the emotional relationship , but also those on the social, intellectual and spiritual levels.

-298 Square Sun - Mercury

Negative aspect: Lack of understanding between the two persons. They do not have the same intellectual interests, the same tastes, as a result of which they have problems in understanding each other. This could lead to conflicts, lies, etc.

243 Trine Sun - Sun

Positive aspect: It's an excellent aspect for a union because the two people go remarkably well together. They are made to understand each other, to complement each other and to support each other.

-199 Square Sun - Mars

Negative aspect: Here is a couple which will have frequent disputes. Finding it impossible to speak calmly, they will always be aggressive towards each other. Conflict is caused because they both want to dominate the other. They cannot live on the basis of mutual understanding. The man is the type who lays down the law, gives orders, makes decisions and the woman is independent type, who cannot stand being limited, taking orders - the more so from her partner.

-150 Square Moon - Saturn

Negative aspect: Planetary aspect that does not augur well for a life together, it will bring disappointment.

-141 Square Venus - Mars

Negative aspect: A love that is particularly based on physical understanding, a passionate love with all its negative sides: possessiveness, jealousy, aggressiveness. Such a union is unlikely to last.

-105 Square Mercury - Neptune

Negative aspect: This relationship can only bring illusions, and therefore also disappointments will follow. These two people can never understand each other and if they insist on living together, it will be with lies and deception.

76 Trine Mars - Saturn

Positive aspect: A life together without any problems, love will develop into friendship, they will understand each other and go well together.

An indication that they will both be faithful.

73 Trine Mars - Jupiter

Positive aspect: The couple will be in harmony, even if they are different they complement each other perfectly and understand each other very well. They go well together.

68 Trine Jupiter - Saturn

Positive aspect: A favorable union, a joyful family life, thanks to Saturn, this couple will never go lightly into any adventure but will work out and think through everything.

65 Sextile Sun - Uranus

Positive aspect: The Sun will be enriched by this relationship with Uranus, which will lead to the discovery of a new world, original and full of change. They will go well together, but Uranus is unstable and certainly too independent to enter into marriage.

-61 Opposition Mercury - Saturn

Negative aspect: Mercury will find it difficult to tolerate Saturn.

54 Sextile Jupiter - Neptune

Positive aspect: A potential union. Look at the other aspects.

52 Trine Sun - Neptune

Positive aspect: They will be greatly attracted by each other, not necessarily physically. With the problems of everyday life, this love will vanish and each will no longer understand what they found so attractive in the other.

38 Sextile Saturn - Neptune

Positive aspect: Favorable union. Neptune brings dreams to Saturn, who lacks them, and Saturn brings common sense to Neptune, who is totally without it.

37 Trine Venus - Neptune

Positive aspect: Favorable union, they have the same artistic tastes in common, their life will sometimes be full of fantasy.

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