What are my rising sign and moon sign?!


What are my rising sign and moon sign?

I was born on March 21st 1988
so that's the first day of Aries sign. could you tell my rising sign and moon sign? And how do they work on me?

Additional Details

3 weeks ago
uhmm...the exact time of my birth was 10.30 am.

3 weeks ago
place of birth: saigon, vietnam


Moon in Taurus & Rising is Gemini

Born 3/21/1988 10:30
In saigon, VIET (10N45 106E40 zone: -7 hrs)

Planet Longitude Declination
Sun 0 Aries 44 0N18
Moon 11 Taurus 57 19N13
Mercury 6 Pisces 25 11S04
Venus 16 Taurus 7 18N53
Mars 18 Capricorn 43 22S47
Jupiter 2 Taurus 42 11N29
Saturn 2 Capricorn 12 22S17
Uranus 0 Capricorn 57 23S38
Neptune 10 Capricorn 5 22S05
Pluto 11 Scorpio 53 0N14
Node 23 Pisces 0 2S49
Ascendant 13 Gemini 54 22N28
Midheaven 6 Pisces 16 9S13
Chiron 23 Gemini 24

Tropical Zodiac
Koch House System


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This SuperPower Report can guide you to your best possible future. Revealing your most important personalized astrological information, The SuperPower Report is like an executive summary about you and for you. This report contains specific tactics to help you achieve your destiny. If you pick up just one appropriate tip and stick with it, this report will have paid for itself many times over.
Planetary energies can work at cross purposes. No doubt like yourself, this report is vast enough to contain contradictions. Each section will help you to identify and resolve some of your conflicts and quandaries. This report can even help you to raise your hopes.

This report is not to be taken for medical or legal advice and is not for therapy or fortune telling purposes. It is your reminder that life is what you make it. Enjoy yourself.


Chapter 2. Sun in Your Chart
On the first page of Genesis it says, "God made the Sun to rule the day and the Moon to rule the night and to be for signs and wonders." To the ancients, the Sun was known as Shamash, Ra, Apollo "breaker of family curses" and Tonatiuh, "dispenser of fate". The Sun gives you light and life. It also represents how and where you shine. The Sun is the star of self-expression, ego-identity, leadership, honor, glory and pride.

The sunspot cycle of 22.22 years constitutes one heart beat/drum beat for the Sun. As such, it is the chief symbol for the circulatory system and the pulse of life.

TIP: When you come to terms with your solar power you become a star. Below are described some of your stellar qualities Schatzi.

Sun in Aries:


Essentially, if you want to be happy, you need to be first and best. Somehow, some way, you need to find a competitive outlet. Ultimately, you only compete with yourself. You begin with the question posed to every solar superhero, "How will you use your super powers?"

You are here to start something new, to go where no one else has gone and to do what no one else has done. The stars dare you to be a pioneer, a champion and a doer.

TIP: Schatzi, read The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity, a modern practical guide to the ancient way by Daniel P. Reid. It's published by Simon and Schuster Fireside books, ISBN 0-671-64881-X.

Sexually, you've got some naturally hot stuff. One of your chief symbols is the flame of the torch. Consider it to be the sacred fire of the inner temple, and the force will always be with youand your enterprises.

Sun Semisquare Venus:


You know how to please people and you want to be liked. You can become a star by swaying others with your natural charm and style. You are somewhat warm-hearted, affectionate, social and erotic. Comfort, pleasure and luxury are necessary for you to be you.

TIP: Create an equilibrium between pleasure and other senses of your identity.

Sun Quintile Mars:


You have some aggressive attributes, you're strong. You're reasonably driven, willful, energetic, assertive, competitive, dramatic and enterprising.

In the pursuit of your goals, you're willing to work hard and if necessary, face danger. You tend to do what you think is right. You are not one to give up or give in to fear. To become a star you need to channel some of your energy into physical activity, athletics and exercise. When you're restless, you need to work-out.

Sun Square Saturn:


Virginia Woolf said, "I don't believe in aging, I believe in forever altering one's aspect to the sun."

You're serious, responsible, industrious and hardworking. You probably matured early and may have missed out on much of the joy of childhood. You tend to get along well with mature people and the elderly. You can become a star by becoming more purposeful. Your discipline can make you a self-made person.

You can become a star by learning how to get more joy out of the sheer struggle of life. Become consciously aware of the rules that you have made for yourself and for others. Become aware of internal voices that judge you.

Sun Square Uranus:


There is a bit of a rebel leader and a trouble maker in you. In itself, this doesn't mean that you're good or bad it just means that you're self willed, excitable and capricious. You're not likely to put up with being told what to do. You can gain respect by channeling your reform minded energy into a bold and practical enterprise. To become a star, respect other people's need for freedom.

You're more original than most folk. To contribute something positive to the world, become relatively stable; more cyclical and less erratic in your efforts, and more practical and persevering.

You're brilliant, original and independent though somewhat erratic, impulsive, and rebellious. You're naturally innovative and can become a star by adjusting your talents to the information age. Marriage is challenging, to say the least. Before someone becomes your lover, see if you are friends. Give yourself permission to enjoy unusual relationships with outstanding characters.

Sun Binovile Neptune:


Have the courage to follow where your heart leads you, namely to the power of divination. Will dramatic changes be necessary? Be honest with yourself. You could get more involved with costumes, musicians, entertainers, writers and artists. You could also become more committed to photography and art. Learn how to develop your psychic powers. One way or another, your life has its elements of drama.

Sun Quintile Ascendant:


The universe wants you to know that it's OK for you to be an individual, to stand out, and to be just a bit different from everybody else. The universe supports your efforts to be an unique human being.

TIP: Define your identity. Define what you want. Define what you want to achieve Schatzi.

To be a star you need to clarify your life's purpose, and increase your life force. From time to time, it is important for you to awake at dawn and begin your day with ritual, prayer and meditation. Your life will be as interesting and exciting as you make up your mind for it to be.


Chapter 3. Moon in Your Chart
Astrologically speaking, the Moon is an instinctual force. It is an ever-changing symbol of your emotional life including such things as home, family, mother, dreams, feelings, the public, women and your early childhood. The Moon represents your environment, the one you were born into and the one you create for yourself. It also talks about your support system, and your "involuntary nervous system."

More than that, the Moon symbolizes your unconscious life. The Moon represents what happens while you're sleeping. The Moon is the intermediary between the Earth and the universe, and you're somewhere in the middle. Because of this positioning, understanding how the Moon figures in your life is essential for happiness and personal growth.

Historically, some of her names are Isis, Diana, Artemis, Selene, Hecate, Sin, Nanna, Mona, Heng O and the Moon goddess. Below is described some of your personal lunar landscape Schatzi.

Moon in Taurus:


Your emotional life is pretty much set in its ways. You stand by your decisions and are more than a little bit stubborn. It is highly unlikely that you will be pushed into a rash decision.

Under stress, you dig in. This can create the impression that you're conservative to the point of narrow mindedness. The truth is that you like to move at your own rate which is conservative and methodical. To cut back on stress and find satisfaction, have your neck rubbed.

You have definite appetites. You need good food and comfortable furniture. Also, you need to be treated to a sumptuous banquet at least once a week.

Eat, drink and be merry. You take great pleasure from your senses and you cycle through regular moods where you need strong, enduring sexual passion. Neck ties, necklaces and scarves accentuate your beauty.

Moon Undecile Mercury:


Your humor and wit can win you friends. Learn to relate to people by learning new communication skills. You can deliver facts in an emotional way. You have a unique interpretation or spin on information. Once you're sure of your convictions, you can bring something genuinely interesting to the communications process.

You can cultivate literary abilities. Begin a dream journal. Talk to people about their dreams. Forge new links between the conscious mind and the unconscious mind. Become more aware of the true nature of your emotions.

TIP: Learn to trust your feelings and have your brain work to make your values into reality.

You can get in trouble through rationalizing. When you do what you "should" do and "the sensible thing," rather than what you feel like doing, you can become unhappy. TIP: Learn to trust your feelings and have your brain work to make your values into reality.

You experience more than an average share of mental tension. You can successfully relate to others by thinking before you speak. Learn to separate facts from fancies.

Moon Conjunct Venus:


Your cheerful disposition can make it easy for you to relate to people. Your tact and diplomacy serve you well. Your sensitivity and tenderness can bring you love. When you adjust your emotions to social circumstances, Cupid adjusts his arrow for you. Enjoy your physical and emotional desires.

TIP: Use dream magick. Write the name of a lover on a piece of paper and then slip it under your pillow. Sleep on it. When you wake up remember your dreams. This will help you to understand your relationship.

You might have a sweet tooth and relate to people in a sensuous and sumptuous manner. Make your home pleasant. Get out in public and enjoy success. You can do very favorable things in conjunction with women. This includes business and politics as well as the personal dimension.

Moon Undecile Uranus:


Your mother was a character. Part of you is impulsive and ready for anything new and unusual. You can relate to others in a somewhat cool, detached and friendly way.

Somehow, you need to be a nonconformist in a way that is comfortable and exciting. Once you make contact with progressive social elements, your life improves considerably. Be a free spirit. Contact some wild friends. You can go for some mutually creative sexy experiments. Otherwise, you can expect unconscious forces to rebel.

You can learn to successfully relate to others by way of computer bulletin boards. You could find romance through personal classified advertisements that feature voice mail boxes.

You're a bit frisky and desirous of excitement and stimulation. You can relate to people successfully once you learn appropriate ways to arouse their fancy. You were born to do something different. You were born to combine the love of romance with the love of freedom.

Moon Trine Neptune:


Part of you is sensitive, romantic and subject to changing moods. You can relate to people through music and art. Find your tune and dance to it. You can experience spiritual, mental and physical healing. Refine your inner vision.

People see your aura and are drawn by your mystique. You can make the most sensuous dreams come vividly true. You take an emotional approach to life and love and are often ready to indulge a fantasy. Try a ride on a waterbed.

You can learn to make excellent sales presentations and do creative work. Small sacrifices can help you to obtain specific goals. You can be so idealistic that you need to keep your world straight. Give yourself an edge by clearly defining what you want and then going for it.

You tend to be kind and forgiving. You will relate more successfully to people once you learn to express your feelings in an earthly, sensuous, physical way. Live out some fantasies. Enjoy yourself.

Moon Opposite Pluto:


Your sensitivity is strong and intense. From time to time you need to take a chance on an emotional adventure. You were made for sexually enriching relationships. You can relate to others once you have mastered your self assurance. There could be a touch of the fanatic, zealot or sadist in you or your mom. Learn to deal with emotional extremes, insatiable needs and insane demands.

Moon Undecile Midheaven:


Work to achieve your emotional objectives. You can develop a knack for public relations and sales. As your feelings are strongly associated with your community status, it is crucial for you to find employment that you find acceptable.


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