Investigating a theory: I was born 2 weeks late and I dream a lot about airplane!


Investigating a theory: I was born 2 weeks late and I dream a lot about airplanes. Do you too?

Several years ago I was telling someone how I have a lot of dreams involving airplanes. She said to me, "Were you born late?". I had no clue, called my mom, and to my utter shock and surprise discovered that I was 2 weeks late!

Dream people... were you born late? Do you have constant themes in your dreams?

What that girl told me years ago was too right on to be a coincidence. She mentioned I might have been born late BEFORE I even knew.

I have a 360 where I talk about this in my blog if you're interested. Come by and say hi if you're a "late" baby too.

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3 weeks ago
Flying dreams are supposed to be the best kind of dreams to have. You're very lucky. Things are looking up for Pinhead!


I was overdue as a baby but although planes aren't in my dreams a lot, me flying is, sometimes like a bird other times just hovering above the ground like I'm in a invisible motorised armchair of some kind but I did have a really weird dream once where I was suspended below a plane on an elastic rope and had to bounce just to avoid trees. maybe I wasn't late enough to get in the plane:-(

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