Astrology, numerology and number 8?!


Astrology, numerology and number 8?

Numerology and number 8?
I suppose today is all about 7s, but I noticed some funny things about me and number 8
a. the letters of my name add up to 8
b. the numbers of my birthday add up to 8
c. in my astrological chart I have a large number of aries planets in the house 8th (pluto in the 1st)
d. and just for fun I also noticed something weird as well, the only major male influences in my life where men whose first and last names had the same initials (ex. s/s, p/p, k/k) and were aquarius (my uranus is also in the 1st house).
I don't know if they say, 8 is all about money and power, I am all about spirituality and poetry and such stuff. however I've had some bad luck, in the sense that I suffered things I could not avoid. Does anybody has something to say, or offer any opinions? thank you!

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3 weeks ago
of course this line of thinking is quite psychotic; but maybe just for fun you would like to say something.


it is all just coincidence

there is no comparison of life to numbers

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