Scorpios - Geniuses?!


Scorpios - Geniuses?

I found the below paragraph in a Scorpio description at The last line says that there are more geniuses in the sign of Scorpio than any other sign. Is this true? I'm a Scorpio, but definetly not a genius (he he). I know that Bill Gates is a Scorpio, but who else? (I know half the presidents have been Scorpio as well).

You are a good friend, as long as you are not being challenged, but you are very easily becoming jealous if you feel that you do not get enough attention and appreciation. You have an excellent critical ability and analytical capacity, at the same time as you are very imaginative and intuitive. All this gives you the ability to look beyond everyday life, and there are more geniuses in Scorpio than in any other sign.


Hi Catwoman,
I think it is too ‘vague’ a comment to say there are more geniuses under the sign Scorpio than any other and I wonder how whoever wrote this came up with this conclusion.
There are so many diferent types of geniuses and so many different factors in a chart that might relate to this. I think probably more research has to be done on this area to determine whether genius can actually be detected confidently in a chart. A genius is so rare and therefore their charts are equally as rare. An astrologer can suggest the potentials in a birth chart and the general direction of talents but how these are utilised depends on the individual.
Beethoven’s chart for instance has the Sun, Moon and Mercury in Sagittarius oppoosing Mars in Gemini.
Aquarians are often thought to be geniuses in their thinking (another vague statement). Geminis might have a flair for artistic or mechanical genius. A positive link between Mercury and Venus in a chart might show talents which perfected may make a person a genius in music, poetry or art. Sun combined with Saturn and Jupiter might show philosophical genius.
So even as a Scorpio I think I have to doubt that statement.

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