Astrologers please help. My sister's DOB is 8th July 1963, TOB is 04:05 AM and P!


Astrologers please help. My sister's DOB is 8th July 1963, TOB is 04:05 AM and POB is Shillong.?

My sister's date of birth is 8th July 1963, time of birth is 04:05 AM and place of birth is Shillong. She has suffered a lot in her life. Please tell about her future, her health.Will her relation with her children be good ? How will her children be ? Which planets are strong in her chart ?

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2 weeks ago
Thanks for helping (sriram m).


Born in Gemini ascendant, with Sun Mercury Venus and Rahu in first house, she is highly intemperate and quarrelsome. Sixth Moon is another liability, aspected by Mars from the third and Jupiter form the tenth. Marriage is stable in spite of the fact that there will be frequent tussles.Fifth Lord Venus is in lagna with Mercury. Finances are good. Saturn though in his own house is in the eightht, this bad. Kethu in the seventh is bad. Rahu in Lagna is bad. He eats away the good influences of Venus and Mercury. Jupiter is very good. Mars is also very good. She is very bold and rash. This has to be controlled. Up to 2011 June she will be running Venus Dasha, and then on wards Sun Dasha. She will develop eye trouble. I am sorry that I am predicting the negative things. Positive will be enjoyed without any trouble. One has to guard against the negatives only. She may have to fave a litigation. She will win. Children's fate has to be determined by their horoscopes. Send it. I will do my best. God bless her.

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