What is my personality for a virgo?!


What is my personality for a virgo?

i am a 13 year old female born on august 24th what is my personality supposed to be like according to my star sign.


Virgos are legendary for their attention to detail, giving you a reputation for being picky and critical, although you very much resent criticism of yourself. You are dutiful and busy, capable and cool, but worry a lot. You can be socially uneasy, feeling there is too much to do for all this frivolity. You are fastidious and exacting, and are as critical of yourself as you are of others. If other people have done something badly in your opinion, you are inclined to help them out to get it right, but try not to be thought of as an interfering busybody when you really mean well! In your desire to keep everything right and neat and tidy, beware of taking on too much work for yourself. You tend to be conservative in your dress, well-turned out and meticulous. You have a need to make order out of chaos and tend to be obsessive-compulsive about tidiness. Even if your life and possessions are not neat, be honest, aren't you feeling niggled by it all the time? Worrying about how messy things are? Itching to put them straight? You can't sit still for very long, especially when there's work to do - which is of course all the time. You are prudent, quiet and steady, and hate to feel obligated to anyone else. You work hard for your money and are shocked by extravagance. You are practical, discriminating, punctual, honest. economical, prudent, discreet and undemonstrative. You tend to like cats, birds and small helpless creatures and often shine with a gentle and mercurial wit and charm.

Love & Blessings

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