How compatible is this couple? Sincere answers appreciated tks!?!


How compatible is this couple? Sincere answers appreciated tks!?

(2nd May 1978)
Sun - Taurus
Moon - Pisces
Venus - Gemini
Mars - Leo

(5th Jan 1985)
Sun - Capricorn
Moon - Gemini
Venus - Pisces
Mars - Pisces

Although we both are Earth sun signs, we have Gemini and Pisces in the moon vsc venus etc... I know that air and water don't really match but somehow wouldn't our opposites help even us out? We do have our downs but why is that the relationship is just getting stronger and stronger even with the supposed oppositions due to our venus/mars combo?

Appreciate your insights tks a lot!


Your sun signs are compatible since they are in earth signs. Gemini moons like to communicate whereas Pisces moons are receptive. Mars in Pisces is in an emotional water sign and mars in Leo can be insensitive to your needs. Venus in Gemini is attracted to looks, clothing, pretty things, whereas Venus in Pisces is square Venus in Gemini and may not see eye to eye on similar interests. Where your relationship goes really depends on you.

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