Scorpios with virgos?!


Scorpios with virgos?

are scorpios and virgos a good match? if so/not example please


Yes, they are. It's connected with the "elements" that they represent. Virgo is an Earth sign and Scorpio is a Water sign. The water runs deep and keep emotions buried down below. But here is still a whole other world in that deep ocean. The Earth sign is rock and dirt. Earth and Water makes the world, right? That's the concept. The earth signs tend to be a little less emotional and a little more practical. Where Scorpios don't use practicality (all the time) in their decisions they use their emotions to guide the way. Because of this, most signs can't really relate to a passionate scorpio. The other water signs (pisces & cancer) "get it" cause they are just as emotional, then the earth signs are next to compatible. Even though they dont' feel what the water sign feels, they appreciate the passion and they are patient with the emotions. Hope this helps.

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