Could you please explain to me what happens at a quincaneara?!


Could you please explain to me what happens at a quincaneara?

im having it in 2 yrs but i just want to know whats going to happen. like what are damas? does there have to be a dance? etc. thanks!


Are you Mexican? A quince is :This celebration marks the transition from the childhood to womanhood. It serves as a way to acknowledge that a young woman has reached maturity. If the quinceañera is Roman Catholic, the festivities begin with a Mass (Misa de Acción de Gracias), at which the quinceañera arrives in formal dress (usually a color of her choosing) accompanied by her parents, godparents (not necessarily those who baptized her, but ones selected solely for this occasion), a number of maids (damas) and chamberlains (chambelanes, also called escorts) ranging in number anywhere from 7 to 14 couples. It is the Quinceañera's decision to have damas. It depends on their culture and beliefs if they want damas. The mass is a vowe to be a virgin till the day of marriage and the thanks of giving her the opportunity to get to that stage of age. In some traditions the court is omitted and it may just be the Quinceañera accompanied by her parents and godparents. After the Mass, the Quinceañera and her accompaniment may select a special location for a photo shoot. In the evening, she arrives at the reception hall where she is greeted by friends and family. After an elaborate dinner, the quinceañera dances the traditional first waltz with her father (sometimes changing from flats to high heeled shoes, symbolizing her transition from child to young adult) and male relatives. Sometimes there is also a surprise choreographed dance with the Quinceañera as the lead dancer. Toward the end she may also receive her "last doll" or "última muñeca" and a special crowning in which the Quinceañera's "madrina" (Godmother) changes her crown to a tiara. Although, the parents may take part of the whole occassion and only them are represented during the event. The parties last well into the night, sometimes ending the following morning.

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