How would I got about this?!


How would I got about this?

So I was wondering, how would I be able to book a band for my birthday party? My friends are holding their breath for the Jonas Brothers and I really want to make a BANG! I've tried looking around the net to see how or who i need to talk with, but I can't find out how to book them... anyone have any suggestions, tips, or resources?


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1 month ago
My mistake... *go about this*

My friends are making fun of me for not wearing my correctional eyewear, thus not being able to see the computer screen, resulting in poor spelling...

I'm crying right now because of their cruel remarks and jabs...



It's a complicated procces, but if your birthday or party isn't too soon, you could probably do it. You have to find out their recording company's name, and call them. You need to as them for the Jonas Brothers' manager contact number, and talk to him about it. I've done this before, and i had switchfoot at my party!!!

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