


Ok well im going to my first, LIKE REAL concert and i dont have any idea what to wear/do/or like you do the rock on sign or what oh and the band is godsmack(a rock band)

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2 weeks ago
uhm, and it is gunna be about 120 degrees and i was planning to wear skinny jeans and a pink and blank long tank/dress..tell me if its ok

2 weeks ago
Im going with my dad


Jump to the beat, and nod your head to the beat. Bring a lighter or a cell phone. If there are any slower songs, take out the lighter and wave it side to side with the beat, and how the rest of the crowd is waving them. If you brought your cell but no lighter, put the cell background to something very bright, and use that to wave.

As for clothes, search up punk clothes or how to be punk, etc. on google. Look at what they are wearing, or read what they wrote that you should wear to be punk. If you have anything that matches those descriptions, wear them.

And remember to SCREAM the lyrics and cheer as loud as you can at the end of the songs!

But you should just be yourself, and wear and do what you want. But if you want to look like a clone of everyone else, go for it.

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