In Maplestory, how do you give a ring to another person?!


In Maplestory, how do you give a ring to another person?

I need to give my bf a crush ring and my bff a friendship ring

but im afraid it wont work.

cause last time i bought something for my friend and it wouldnt give the thing to my friend.



To use crush/friendship rings:
You must purchase the ring, then it will ask for your friend's name. Type in their ign and a cute litte message and confirm it. A ring should appear in your nx cash items box in the CS. Your friend/bf should also get a ring after you confirm your purchase and it'll show up in the cash shop. They have to confirm that's it's their ring by inputing their birthday so make sure they know it.(lol) And then well.. both of you equip the ring and there you go.
Have fun~ ^^

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