Does anyone know any good party ideas/places for 13 year olds?!


Does anyone know any good party ideas/places for 13 year olds?

Yes, my sister and I are clueless as to where to plan our birthday party, and our parents say no to home. So, any suggestions would be very much appreciated. Please and thank you.


The parties at places like Chuck E Cheeses, Skating, etc can get very expensive and you don't see your friends much becasue everyone is scattered.... if they will let you, go for it. But if not, just have one of your parents get to a park early one day and put some table cloths on the picnic tables. Put some balloons on the tables (With weights so they don't blow away) If you have a dollar store you can get table cloths there as well as helium ballons.... SOOOOOOOOOO much cheaper than the party stores! They have plates, cups, napkins, etc there too.

Anyway, just have some fun games at the park....

Get spoons and eggs and have people make a line on one side and a line on the other and one person walks (fast) the egg on the spoon to the other person then passes it off. Then that person takes it to the other side and passes it off the the next person in that line, (then goes to the end of the line.) and so on. It's a race between that team and another team of two lines who can get through all their people without dropping the egg.

Get a cheap badmitton set at Target and have that set up.

Have a water balloon toss.............

Or, if you really want to get into it, have a FEAR FACTOR party at the park. We had one for my son and we did things like have paper plates with a number written on it. On each plate there was something gross - like a pickled egg on one, broccoli on another, oysters on another, and so on. You need 6 plates. Then you have a die (one dice). Have the player roll it and what ever number it lands on, that's the plate they have to eat from. If they roll a one, it's the pickled egg, for example. Make sure to have replacements. AFter the egg gets eaten, put another one down for the next roller. THERE ARE NO DO OVERS!! IF THEY DON"T EAT IT CUZ THEY ARE TOO GROSSED OUT, THEY LOSE!!

Another thing we did on fear factor was have pie plates (the cheap aluminum ones that are disposable) with a gumball on the bottom. Then cover the plate and gumball with whipped cream. Have a several of these lined up. The contestants have to bury their face in the whipped cream to find the gum and. then the first person who finds the gum and can blow a bubble with it wins.

Another one we did was have a huge bucket of ice. Then we filled it with water so it was suuuuuuper cold iced water. The contestants each put an arm in and kept it there. The last one with their arm in wins. It was bad though because this one guy kept his in soooooooooooo long he may have done some damage!!!

Well, happy birthday and I hope I have been able to give you some good ideas.

Look up FEAR FACTOR parties on the internet and you will find all kinds of ideas.

Also, we copied and pasted the fear factor logo into WORD or PowerPoint and made invitations with them. Looked Cool.

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