Can I have a hug and a kiss?!


Can I have a hug and a kiss?

can you guys give me a hug and kiss.I feel like crap.

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2 days ago
If ur wondering why I feel like crap(if any one cares)well seeing as it was mcr day.I got beat the crap out me for being black and liking mcr..

2 days ago
i really don't want a kiss.i just want a hug

2 days ago
don't let the name scare u off.its just a line from a song I wrote.I'm really a nice person

2 days ago
if u don't what is mcr it's My Chemical Romance.yes I am a I got beat up for being black and liking My Chemical Romance

2 days ago
awwwwwwwwwww thanks for the love everyone


aw, hun... I'm sorry... And yess, you may get a hug & a kiss [ on a cheek please, i'm a girl lol] I am a big fan of MCR too. You should never let anybody judge you for who you are, what music you like, and what you look like. I admire you cause you are not afraid to stand out from the crowd and be yourself. Don't worry, I'm Asian and I like MCR... x_X and if it makes you feel better, I am sure all the MCR fans will back you up... We all must stick together. :]

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