THE 80's ????????!


THE 80's ????????

Aren't you Glad You Lived Through Them?/

Well...I am :)


The 80s were great...but I can not say I am only glad to have lived through every decade I live through is wonderfull. I enjoyed being in Jr. High, High School, and College through the 80s. I actually look back and can't believe how perscriptive society is now in trying to fix everyone and everything. Difference is what makes life and society enjoyable. These days its lets tax it out of society, instead of letting folks make decisions, even if they are bad, and let them live their life. Imagine how much life would have been different for all of us 80s primetimers if we were living through what are kids are today. Who the heck wore any protective gear on a bike, skate board, or moped????? No one and no one thought less of it...we were not a oh gee can't learn from mistakes society. We were a society of live and learn...and sadly today we are a society of live and be regulated.

If your were not born until the 80s or 90s stop getting free points by waisting air and tying up cyber space ya don't know what ya don't like answering about Woodstock and not being born, just watched the video/dvd.

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