Girls do you think p diddy is sexy???!


Girls do you think p diddy is sexy???

I do!!

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1 day ago
Hayley n

sorry but i don't see that!!??

Answers: 1 day ago
Hayley n

sorry but i don't see that!!?? yea he is i agree with u No sorry to disagree with you but I think he is arrogant, and arrogance is ugly!
(dont think I'll be getting 10 points here!!) no he dresses like an old man going out for a jog No....he is just very arrogant looking the whole time noooooooooooooo he looks like a gansta and acts like a muppet and dont get me started on singing Ewe no......x yeah!Who doesn't? no. in scotland if you call someone a diddy it means they are a bit of a plonker! No. He's full of himself and always looks like he's sulking. YES GIRLS IS VERY SEXY THIS P DIDDY IS NOT MORE THAN GIRLS not much but he kinda look like a gangsta to me Not at all!
He's the total opposite of sexy if you ask me...

Chunky, unelegant, rude, uncharming and arrogant are words that describe him way better than "sexy"...:)

What do you find attractive about him? Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I used to find him quite sexy after seeing his video diary on MTV, but now I'm not so sure.

I can see why you would though. He's successful and a successful and ambitious man (not necessarily rich) is sexy. Nope!! He thinks he's bleeding god dat fella!! x x Money can do many things but there is not enough money in the world to make that cheating noncommital man sexy. He is such a man whore it is ridiculous. I think he is!! no...he is lame Yeah, I think he is quite sexy.

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