How many ways are there to contact a celebrity if you would like them to star in!


How many ways are there to contact a celebrity if you would like them to star in your moive? What are they?

The celebrities I am trying to cantact as are followed:
Cillian Murphy
Emma Watson
Rachel McAdams.

There are a few others, but these are the main actors I am trying to contact. Thank you.


Step one
Search for fan clubs devoted to the person you're looking for. These organizations often have means of contacting their respective celebrities.

Step Two
Contact a musician by looking for a contact address in a CD or cassette booklet or looking up the address of the record company that released the recording.

Step Three
Contact a screen actor or actress through the Screen Actors Guild. Visit the organization's Web site for more information.

Step Four
Contact a director through the Directors Guild

Step Five
Contact a stage actor or actress through the theatre at which he or she is currently performing or has recently performed.

Step Six
Contact a television or radio personality in care of the station or network that he or she works for.

Step Seven
Contact authors and literary editors through the National Writers Union or through their publishers. The publisher's name and city usually appears on the title page of the book.

Step Eight
Contact a famous athlete in care of his or her team. Visit the team's official Web site for contact information.

Step Nine
Contact an artist through a gallery or museum that houses his or her work.

* Movie actors, directors, writers and other workers can sometimes be contacted through movie studios with which they have worked.

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